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Strawberries, Where Are You? Pancake Monsters Ate them! :)

These are strawberries...

These are kind of pancakes...

 ...kind of...


The strawberries are from a field in Bursa, our beautiful green city.

 I washed and then dried them. Why?
to put them to the frozer...
waited till they get truely dried and packed them carefully.
You can use them anytime in a year, I guess :)
Frozen strawberries!
with icecream? Sounds good!

 For the pancakes, cook them with some sugar in a pan, or use fresh. Your choice :)

 But that looks amazing *-*

Red and delicious...
I've just realized that I love strawberries, SO MUCH!
Why baby, why?

May it be fruit, health and life!

and a sweet song, too. Relaxing sounds...
Where are you? What are you doing? - B.A.P
a long name for a song, isn't it? However, London looks fascinating :)