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31st October etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
31st October etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster


Horrible Hallowen Ideas (Just for fun!)

Hi Minna-san! (that means "everybody" in Japaneese)

I'm sort of in Japaneese in these days :)

Let's think some ideas for the "Halloween" and wonder around the blog for suitable items (just because they look horrible... Shh! secret ;) Hahaha!

This is bleeding rose.

This one is Messed-choco.

They are Cookie-zombies.
The one on the back looks hungry 'o'

A friend of Monstercookie

The Haunted House
No way to get in
no way to get out!

The Ghost-bride

Look at her arms! Wuhooouuu!

Bleedin' strawberry

and a group of them...
They need some eyes, haha!

No-mouth-cookie friends...

and meet Bob, the Monstercookie.
He is the boss!
You'd better run

and the Blair Witch?
No way!
She doesn't even look like her -_-

I am going to pass this.
Is this horibble? Just some sousages...

Messed choco's little friend
Crazy-cup O_o

A bloody pan.
That freaks me out!
Especially the cleaning part...

A vampire cake,
dark and sophisticated...

A Three Arm-Octophus in the marsh
Imagine it!

and the real cookie ghost, Arbella.
She terrifies from diet ones.
and the cake I made today
You see no photos of it?
Yeah, probably because of that reason;
It was way more than terrifying
the end!

This is ridiculous, yeah, I know, too. But at least a reason to share some words with you ;)

I love you people!

Have great days with great people, even if it's freaky, scary or stady. Share your love!

Good bye!

and Radioactive by Imagine Dragons...

Imm, the rhythm...